21 July 2015


I drift. Like a wind-blown leaf. Watching the world pass with its daily mundane activities.
Laughter, tears, anguish, celebrations, mourning.....

Every person. Running to reach somewhere. Restless. Impatient. Unbent. Relentless
Sometimes I too, get swept along in the mad rush. Then detach again. Watching. Just watching. Observing.

There are billions of worlds. Each person's own little world. All smug in their own self-importance. Oblivious to the reality. Unconcerned about their littleness.
Every day. All day. Noon and night. Living, breathing.

And I then try to shut out the noise.

Focus on the joy.
The sparrows chirping and hopping around. The crow at someone's window, demanding his lunch. Pigeons, with their annoying mocking sounds, strutting about the sill. A cat stretched out in a patch of sunlight. A kitten frisking nearby, with a serious case of ADHD! Dogs chasing bikes, greeting friends (human as well as dog-kind).
Green grass in the garden. Rain and its pitter-patter tattoo on the roof. A good book and a hot cup of strong coffee. Watching my movie collection on the laptop.
The green hill slopes and small lakes, seen from a bus window. Turning off the noise of fellow travelers and turning on some good trance music in my ears. Observing people outside my bus, people in vehicles, people on the road, people outside their houses. Watching  a small minute of their day as I pass by.

Shut out the noise. Just me, my thoughts. My eyes look but my mind is not involved with what the eyes see.
Peaceful. Tranquil. Beautiful. Each day begins like this. Even if it doesn't, I make sure I turn it around.

The personal worlds of each person don't care about my existence. Their noise is their own to handle.

I have my peace to maintain. I don't need a holy book, a deity or an idol to find peace. God shows Himself around me everywhere. In all the things that give me happiness. In the small creatures going about their day, chirping, woofing, meowing, scurrying and digging. In the hawk that swoops and glides above all the chaos. In the various shades of green and blue and purple and red of Nature. In the music that uplifts the Soul and frees the mind.

That is my peace, my joy. That is where you will always find me. Away from all the noise. Detached. Tranquil. Free.
