A heartless bitch
I lick my own wounds
Yes, I am a witch
You uproot me
But I need no belonging
I disown you
Nobody owns me
You hit me with your best
I have thick skin
You belittle me
I am too magnificent for your small mind
I don't need approbation
Won't be conforming
You take away my dreams
I fly away on new ones
You burn my love
You burn my innocence
You burn me in your hatred
I am the Phoenix!
I rise again
My ashes are my nest
My burns are my tattoos
I smite you to Hell
I am the Shrew
Unleashed upon my feiry wings
Powerful and strong
I am the Phoenix
I am my own swan song
I am the witch
The heartless bitch
I am the dance of wrath
I trample worlds beneath
My dancing rhythmic feet
I am the Phoenix
I burn and rise
Rise and burn
I am the witch
The heartless bitch