Comic strips
Super heroes
Magic and fantasy
Ghosts and spirits
End of the world
Parallel worlds
Do you really think these come outta logical, rational, analytical and thinking minds?
Naah! These come from twisted minds. Like the rope of the hangman, beautiful to look at. That fine line between, destruction and creation.
The world conditions us to be wooden blocks. Every classroom, though, has that one lunatic who is lost in their own world. The troubadour. The doodler. The painter. The flautist. The wanderer. Refusing to become a cube. Happy to be an amoeba.
The round pegs in square holes. The ones who break frames. The disruptive minds.
We make the world bearable. We are the creators. While you are busy making calculations, we balance with emotions. We make colourful art, on a dull grey canvas.
We are the bright, printed umbrella, surrounded by black and boring conformity.
We are not going anywhere. We are the reason you exist. We are why life is worth living. We create your music. We create your art.
We create your escape.
We are the philosophers. We are the artistes. We are the quiet existence of your conscience. We help you survive. We are the reason you breathe.
We are the makers. We are the amoebas.