13 May 2018


Do you ever question your existence?

Where are we headed? What is the destination?

Do you ever think, for once, that you have come from a different place?

A place of freedom.

Of thought,
Of deed,

Freedom of just being.

Without the need to justify,
Or to just Be.

I do.

Like I am from somewhere else.

A place where judgements don't exist
And feelings reign supreme.

This is a transitional journey
And I am headed back to my

Home is beyond that evasive bridge, where all Souls converge,

To be only positive,
No place to isolate one Soul,
Nobody gets left out,
Everyone is waiting for me to return
And reunite with the Divine.

A land of Love and belonging.
The hearth is warm and content.

A homecoming wrought with
Only happiness
And nothing less.

Some place...

Where you still wait for me,
And we don't even know yet.

It feels like I just need to cross this
One small, scenic, beautiful bridge.

A bridge which leads to my true being. My origin. A native, local, root where I was born truly. Where my Soul was born. And yours, too.

Like we are journeying to it and it is just beyond that thin veil. We just reach out and brush it aside. The veil will lift and we shall meet, never to part.

I do believe. I know. I come from a better place.

A place which knows no pain, no ache...

It is just beyond a short wait.

This life which we live is just a phase. It shall pass. It shall diminish. It will end soon.

And we will be back Home. Because Home is always where the heart belongs.

And my heart has never belonged here. It has always been waiting, beating, changing Souls, changing beings. Always being patient. Always reaching towards that Eternal, the Divine, that never ending Trueness.

Just a few more steps. Just a few more breaths to end. Just those few heartbeats to end. Earthly existence to be over. This so called Life to stop.

That is when that bridge can be crossed. Where Home and hearth wait. Rooted far deeper than any possible earthly imagination.

When I go Home this time, I'm staying. I'm waiting for you. I'm not going anywhere else. There is nowhere else to go, for us. This is it. This is how it ends. This is how it begins.

Till then, I'll count. Every remaining breath. Every remaining moment. All memories, moments, dreams, and beliefs.

I will count down till that ultimate Fate. When we will be Home again.

I'll be waiting for you There.

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