23 April 2019


I am a nomad.

This chase just never ends. Seemingly, things always fall into place. It is just phases which pass. Paths which wind and unwind.

But it is never enough.

There is not a single moment with absolute peace. Never a moment without doubts, anxieties, insecurities,..

It just never ends.

Something is always missing. The blessings fall just short of total happiness.

It just never ends.

Being happy and grateful in what is given. Never expecting anything more. Always falling short of something.

Always expected to stay within means of what is, and not go after what "might have been."

This chase never ends.

The hope never dies.

The dreams never cease to exist.

The longing stays. The heart refuses to give up. It burns, rises, burns, and rises. The Life never goes out.

It just is, never enough.

This nomad, never settles. Always looking ahead. Always hunting, for that idyll. Always determined to reach that evasive destination.

That hearth which would be Complete. Where nothing falls short. Where there is absolute peace. Where I truly belong.

This nomad, keeps trudging along. Leaving behind hopelessness, disappointments, compromises, pain, insecurities,..

This nomad will only settle for the unattainable.

My heart, my gypsy, oh my Fool! It just never ends, does it!
